Schlagwort-Archive: Digital Humanities

Can you see the journey? A visualization mock-up of the early years of the Pez correspondence

Digital Humanities may be fashionable, but they are not a fad. At all times, humanistic thinking has interacted with other forms of scientific epistemology—and sometimes it has even exerted pressure on other fields, like with the historicizing of religion in … Weiterlesen

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Norwegian Book Fragments and the Internet

As the headline indicates, this post is about Norwegian book fragments, not Austrian manuscripts, and I hope that this fact does not scare away any readers. I certainly appreciate the opportunity to appear as a guest on the Iter austriacum! … Weiterlesen

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Piece by Piece: Fragments in the Digital Ages

In the past couple of years research on fragments has been more intense than ever. Projects, blogs, books, and conferences have been devoted to left-overs from manuscripts re-used by bookbinders as well as to manuscripts that were cut up and … Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter Leeds 2017 | Verschlagwortet mit , , | Kommentare deaktiviert für Piece by Piece: Fragments in the Digital Ages